Monday, August 6, 2012

A Very VERY Late Update!!

As they say, "Having a baby changes everything"…and yes, this is quite true!  Fortunately for me, I've found all the changes to be for the better!! :-)  However, some of those changes explain the lack of update…and my somewhat procrastinating and perfectionist personality explains the rest!

Elisabeth was born at 1:35 am on Thursday, March 15th. The story of her birth is quite amusing, however it will keep it short and sweet!  I went into labor at 7:00 pm on Wednesday while sitting in church.  Just two hours before, Daniel and I had taken a 30 minute bike ride up a long hill on our tandem bike.  For me, nothing went as expected!  Labor progressed a lot faster than we realized, and at 12:45 am that night, we were rushing (thats an understatement) to the Birth Center that was supposed to be 45 minutes away.  We made it there (barely) and 10 minutes later our beautiful, healthy, baby girl was caught by her beaming father (who was quite relieved she was patient enough to not make her debut in the car!). :-)

These pictures were taken a few hours after she was born.

Daniel and I have loved the challenges and blessing that come with being parents!  God has blessed us with a precious little girl, and we take our responsibility to raise her up as a godly seed very seriously!  We take everything one day…sometimes moment…at a time, know every little struggle, trial, or hardship cannot last forever, but will eventually pass.  God has promised:

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

Elisabeth 2 weeks old

Fast forward 2 months…

Elisabeth is growing so fast!!  The two comments everyone makes when they see her are, "Look at all that hair!" and "Wow, she is so alert and aware!".  She loves to look around, and is quite willing to give anyone looking her way a prize-winning smile that is sure to melt even the hardest of hearts! :-)

I'm determining to get better with my blogging!  In fact, I'm working on getting a schedule for me and Elisabeth, and I'm going to including picture taking and blogging in it!

Lastly, my sister, Jordan LeBlanc, is responsible for these beautiful pictures of Elisabeth!  She is currently in the middle of a 3 month stay in Japan and we are missing her (as well as her great photography skills) very much!!  Please pray for her, that God would be able to use her and grow her through this wonderful experience!

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